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Placing a catenaty item down for the first time gives you a new item, which is linked to the first position you clicked. If you place the new item down in a different position, a catenary will be created between the two points. You can break a catenary by LEFT-CLICKING
either of the anchor points. If multiple catenaries are connected to the same anchor point, this will break all of them.
Here are some of the recipes for the difference catenary chains you can craft:
These catenaries are made from Chain blocks. You can choose between 4 different variants, each with a different sag. They are crafted from Chains.
These catenaries are made from the wooden bar that holds up Bell blocks which are placed between two blocks. You can choose between 4 different variants, each with a different sag. They are crafted from Hanging Roots.
Lanterns hanging from a chain catenary. The lanterns emit block light, so you can use them to illuminate your builds. You can have normal lanterns, soul lanterns, or both at the same time!
These Chinese-style lanterns are made from custom Player Heads, which were sourced from
These catenaries are made from extinguished Candle blocks placed on their side. You can use a single colour, or alternate between any two colours of your choice. This makes for a total of 136 unique combinations!
Spellings show a string of text with custom Player Heads which were sourced from You can set the text which will be displayed by renaming the Firework Rocket item in an Anvil.
A hanging branch made of Bamboo blocks. The leaves are applied randomly when placing. Can be used to add a nice touch of green to your builds!
A thin copper-coloured cable. Perfect for any industrial-looking builds! Disclaimer: does not actually conduct electricity.
Mystical Amethyst Shards hanging from a rope made of sideways Iron Bars blocks. The amethysts emit block light.
In addition to decoration, you can also use these as a zipline if you R-MOUSE CLICK
the starting block with a bow!