Overworld Changes
Crop Changes
Rob World has slightly rebalanced the way crops grow.
Wheat, beetroot, carrots, potatoes, melons, pumpkins, sugarcane, and bamboo can only grow under direct sunlight.
Some crops will grow better or worse depending on the type of biome and Season they are cultivated in.
Added dynamic and engaging changes to the world, based on the current in-game season cycle. Biomes will slowly shift colors and visuals, some mob will have seasonal spawning, and days will extended/shorten depending on the time of year, and much more.
When nobody is playing on the server, time pauses until someone logs on. This is to prevent seasons from continuing without us.
Inventory Weight
Added inventory weight to players. You will now become slower or faster depending on how many items you have in your inventory. Be careful not to over-encumbered yourself!
The End
Endermen do not drop any experience orbs when killed in the End. Traditionally endermen experience farms have been very popular, but they replaced any other type of experience farm. This change makes other experience farms viable again. Regular experience farms have been made more powerful thanks to the Wisdom enchantment.
Phantoms no longer spawn in the Overworld and have been moved to the End. Phantoms are extremely annoying in the Overworld and moving them to the End dimension also makes the End more challenging.
Mob & Entities
Mob Drops
Hostile Mobs only drop loot when killed by a player.
Mobs no longer drop any ores and ingots upon death. These include
Iron golems, zombies and husks no longer drop iron ingots.
Zombified piglins no longer drop gold ingots.
Drowned no longer drop copper ingots.
Wither skeletons no longer drop coal.
These changes will increase the demand for all ores, which should allow new players to sell their ores more easily on the market.
Some new drops have been added to Hostile Mobs:
Zombies and husks now occasionally drop beetroots.
Zombified piglins now occasionally drop poisonous potatoes.
Wither skeletons now occasionally drop charcoal.
All Mobs
All mobs have increased follow range, allowing them to see you from farther away. Their movement speed is also increased slightly to make running away a little bit harder.
Zombies (including drowned, husks, and zombie villagers) receive two upgrades that make fighting a horde a little more threatening:
All zombies are capable of breaking doors, regardless of the difficulty.
Periodically, zombies will dash at a nearby player.
Unique to this dash is a bite attack that deals extra damage. This attack can be blocked, but be warned, it will eat through your shield quickly!
In addition to the default zombie dash/bite, drowned get the following two changes:
Drowned swim faster now, on top of the default movement buff for all mobs.
If a player is above water, drowned will periodically pull them deeper underwater in an attempt to, well, drown them. This can even happen if you are traveling above them in a boat. Watch out for hordes!
Evokers are now mini-bosses that receive the following upgrades:
Evokers now have 150 HP, and while below half HP, they gain Regeneration 1.
Evokers also hold a totem of undying in their off-hand that must be popped before killing them. This doesn't change combat with them that much, but it does make sense thematically.
Whenever an evoker uses their fang attack, it will also follow up with two more waves of fangs in the same place.
To compensate for all of this, vexes now die immediately if there aren't any evokers nearby.
Piglin Brutes
While their damage is untouched, piglin brutes now receive a few upgrades that make it harder to fight them than just knocking them back while you stand still:
Brutes have 75% knockback resistance by default.
Brutes will periodically dash at nearby players.
Brutes will also throw the closest player or wither skeleton high into the air. Watch out for lava!
Brutes have a small chance of spawning with random pieces of netherite armor, or with knockback on their axe.
Pillagers aren't holding back anymore.
Some pillagers will shoot weakness arrows or even firework rockets instead of regular arrows.
Some pillagers will also have Quick Charge II crossbows.
The above two upgrades are applied more often during raids.
Spiders will periodically dash at nearby players.
They will also periodically trap the closest player in a cobweb. Remember to use a sword to break out!
For as rare as they are, witches are a little too easy.
Witches now have 60 HP.
Splash potions thrown by witches have a 25% chance of being lingering potions instead.
If a player is nearby, splash potions have a 10% chance of inflicting blindness.
Creepers are now filled with confetti! Yay! 🎉🎉🎉
They will still kill you
Catching a slime in a bucket will give you a new item: A Slime Bucket.
Use a Slime Bucket to detect nearby Slime Chunks.
Villager trades are more balanced.
Villagers will not change professions once already assigned.
Villagers will now follow player holding emerald, just like a cow follows wheat.
Librarian villagers will stop trading random books, and instead allow you to 'teach' them it, requiring you to obtain a copy of the enchanted book from exploring structures or through things like fishing, then allowing you to copy it.
To teach a villager to trade an enchanted book, you first place it on a lectern, then when a villager using that lectern as a work station is about to gain an enchanted book trade, use the book on the lectern and they will begin to sell that book.
Note If there is no book on the lectern, the villager will skip the enchanted book trade.
Last updated