Rob World Modpack
Rob World is a vanilla-compatible Minecraft server. That doesn't mean I don't love mods! Many players like to use mods to enhance their experience. This page lists some of my favorite mods, as well as instructions on how to install them.
Connecting to Rob World does not require mods, but Simple Voice Chat is required to use proximity voice chat, and CIT Resewn is required to see custom armors.
I recommend using the Modrinth App to install, manage and update mods.
Curated List
Below you will find a curated list of mods I recommend to enhance your experience on Rob World. These modifications are not required, but they are highly recommended. If you prefer to have a ready made pack, instead of building and customizing your own, I assembled a Modrinth Pack for your convenience.
The following mods, while not necessary, are highly recommended.
Simple Voice Chat ― Required to use proximity voice chat.
CIT Resewn ― Required to see custom armor textures.
Bobby ― Increases your render distance above what the server allows.
Xaero's Minimap & Worldmap ― Full-featured mini-map and world map.
Performance Enhancers
The following mods greatly enhance the performance of Minecraft, especially on lower-end systems.
Lithium ― Improves the performance of Minecraft's back-end.
Ferrite Core ― Decreases the amount of RAM Minecraft uses.
Krypton ― Slightly improves the performance of Minecraft's networking.
Immersion Enhancers
The following mods make Minecraft look and sound a lot better. A lot of these replace features you will find in Optifine.
Iris Shaders ― Adds shaders to Minecraft
On its own, this mod does not do anything. You need to combine it with a shader pack.
Continuity ― Add support for connected textures, such as glass panes.
Distant Horizons ― Adds LODs for extreme distant chunk rendering.
Ambient Sounds ― Adds natural ambiance to the environment.
Sound Physics Remastered ― Enables SFXs with Simple Voice Chat, like cave echo or muffed speaking inside buildings.
Presence Footsteps ― Adds footsteps SFXs to all entities and players.
Dynamic Sound Filters ― Adds various SFXs to environmental changes.
Last updated